General Functions on Mobile
This section inroduces general functions of supLink mobile application. Log in to supLink after authorized with the same account as supOS.

No. | Parameter | Description |
1 | Search and scan | Click icons to search on supLink and scan QR codes respectively. |
2 | Workflow | Workflow process display. |
3 | Workbench | Displays the image and content you set under Workbench Config on supLink web. |
4 | Base App | Base apps you set to be displayed on workbench. You can select more apps on the Account tap on mobile. |
5 | supOS App | Apps you created under supOS App category on web are displayed. |
6 | LCDP App | Apps you created under LCDP App category on web are displayed. |
7 | Custom info | Apps you created under Custom App category on web are displayed. |
Displays notification messages. You can tap the icon at the upper-right corner to start new chat or scan codes.

Displays contacts related to the current account.


Menu | Description |
Switch Company | Tap to select another company that is associated with the current account. |
Workplace Application | Tap it and then tap Edit at the upper-right corner to select apps to be displayed on the Workbench tab. |
Account Security |
Message Notifications | Set the notifications of supLink mobile. |
About | View the current version of supLink and check whether it's the lastest version. |